2012年3月16日 星期五


Vic:我看了Greg Smith紐約時投書,認同美國聯儲局前主席沃爾克(Paul Volcker)所說:此信是「強而有力」的控訴。


偶然看到Forbes上的一篇評論,作者說,假設Greg Smith所言屬實,大眾及政界不必採取任何行動,因為資本體制固有的自我修正功能,最終會淘汰這種腐敗的公司。理論上確實如此,但經歷金融海嘯後,我們都已知道,公眾與政界其實已被這些「大到不能倒」的金融機構挾持:我們都是它們的人質,為免與它們同歸於盡,只能拯救它們。(是否真的非救不可,大可爭論,但至少在金融海嘯中,大型投資銀行,只有倒霉的雷曼兄弟因為政府不願救而倒閉了。)



I believe the change in culture you've seen at Goldman Sachs is just a reflection of the change that has taken place in our national culture over the last few decades. When I was growing up, no one considered a person's wealth to be an absolute measure of his or her worth to society. Now, for a large part of our culture, that has changed; the acquisition of wealth is seen as good, no matter how it is achieved.

Money-grubbing behavior is rewarded, and victims of such behavior are considered fair game, not just at Goldman Sachs, but everywhere. My cable company charges huge fees out of proportion to what it delivers, but fails to adequately staff customer service to field complaints. My bank has added ridiculous fees for just about everything except were expressly prohibited by law. I am put on hold for large swaths of time to get just about anything fixed. There is a fervor for ever more tax cuts for the wealthy, paid for on the backs of the middle class.

Our whole attitude about what is important has changed, and in my opinion, not for the better.


I don't think things have changed that much at GS in the last 12 years. He must have joined right after the internet bubble collapsed, which GS was a big part of, hyping companies that had no real business plan. And then they moved right on to double-dealing toxic mortgage products. So the only thing that might have changed in the last 12 years isn't GS' culture but Mr. Smith's assessment of that culture.

The thing that really changed GS is the change from a partnership to a public company in 1999, just before Mr. Smith joined. Suddenly, the risks are off-loaded from leadership to shareholders, quarterly earnings become the focus, and management is free to wheel & deal any way they want to with little consequence to them. That has created a huge moral hazard and nothing is being done to control that.

John Woods

I have long felt and written about the purpose of an organization: it is to create a mutually beneficial relationship between itself and those that it serves. Whenever an organization does not do this, it undermines its long-term survival. Another thing I am sure of is that profit is a way to measure the quality of service to others because you have created a lot of value for them. Losses measure the same thing. GS is very profitable, but apparently this is because it manipulates the system and exploits its customers for its short-term gain. This is a formula for its eventual demise.

I hope this article is a wake-up call for Goldman's clients and management. If I had money with this place, I'd get it out now. If management focuses on profit rather than service, it is doing exactly the things to bring about its downfall. I seriously doubt that the current management of this place can make the changes necessary to turn this firm around. Their heads are in the wrong place. They have created this toxic culture to which their employees are adapting. I hope the board throws them out and brings in those who understand the first sentence of this comment.

Organizations are part of the larger environment and society in which they operate. They look out for themselves by looking out for that of which they are a part. GS seems to be doing all it can to destroy that environment and take itself down at the same time. Thanks to Greg Smith for calling them out.

GT LaBorde

Thank you, Greg for speaking out. I have been a Goldman client since 2006, and have been trying to get my money out for several years now, to no avail. My money was placed in proprietary funds that have under-performed other similar investments and were clearly designed to maximize Goldman's profit at my expense. I am not allowed to get money out of these investments, in some cases for up to 8-10 years, without a significant "haircut" (hmmm, I wonder if Goldman partners profit from the haircut??).

In one of these investments (which has lost 35% of its value since 2008), Goldman even refuses to provide basic information, like estimates of income or expenses for tax planning purposes. I literally have to guess the income my K-1 will show when I file my taxes in April, because Goldman won't even give me an estimate (much less quarterly or annual commentary or disclosure by the fund managers). In many years, the fund shows substantial interest income (on which I have to pay taxes), but none of that income is ever distributed to me and the NAV of the fund simultaneously goes down. Where did the income go? When asked, Goldman refuses to provide specifics (even though I am a limited partner of the investment partnership and have a right to this information).

It is amazing how little Goldman cares about its customers. Goldman exists for the sole purpose of enriching its partners.

John Riley

It takes a long time for people to come to the painful realization that the place you have dedicated your career to is morally bankrupt, and not worthy of your time or energy. Mr. Smith realized this, and left in a way where he would expose much of the misaligned culture, and hopefully bring about resolution. That takes courage.


Congratulations, Greg!

I resigned from more than one company where integrity was seriously lacking. In my first position, I was ordered to help clients lie on financial statements and change invoices - the partner actually handed me a bottle of white out! I was ordered to be a part of hiding a pension shortfall that I discovered and was walked out for refusing to go along.

I have paid a price for walking away from these 'great opportunities', but I sleep well at night. You are brave to take a stand for your clients and for your own integrity. I applaud you for walking away and for speaking out.

延伸閱讀:葉家興 - 金融創新 向下沉淪

離職主管K高盛 罵掉市值635.8


自由時報 2012316

〔編譯楊芙宜/綜合報導〕高盛前主管史密斯(Greg Smith)週三刊載在紐約時報的投書,痛批高盛只向「錢」看、海削客戶的企業文化,「具毒害與毀滅性」,現任執行長與總裁須負起最大責任。投書透過電子郵件與推特被瘋狂轉載,在華爾街掀起軒然大波,高盛形象重創,股價應聲重挫三.四%,市值一夕間蒸發掉二十一.五億美元(約台幣六三五.八億元)。



稱客戶為玩偶 由其身上撈錢


他指出,出席公司內部衍生性金融商品銷售會議,沒有一分鐘是討論如何協助客戶,全都在聊如何盡可能從客戶身上撈錢。高盛過去賴以成功的文化︰團隊精神、正直、人性精神和客戶利益優先,已經蕩然無存。在執行長貝蘭克梵(Lloyd Blankfein)和總裁寇恩(Gary Cohn)的監管下,公司道德淪喪,將嚴重危及長期營運





















